
child ministries

Children’s Ministry at House of Prayer

Our Children’s Ministry is dedicated to providing engaging opportunities for children aged 3 through Grade 5 to grow in their faith. We aim to build a bridge between Bible-based lessons and the practical application of those lessons in daily life. Through creative storytelling, music, crafts, and games, children are invited to view their lives as a continuous journey of living as disciples of Jesus.

House of Prayer offers two Children’s Ministry classes each week for ages 3 to Grade 5. Children must be 3 years old by July 31 and potty trained to register. 

Sunday School – Sundays from 9:00-10:15 AM

JAM (Jesus and Me) – Wednesdays from 6:00-7:15 PM

Confirmation and Youth Ministry

Confirmation and Youth Ministry assists in developing faith enrichment opportunities that are relational and seek to lead teenage youth toward a maturing faith that is rooted in a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Confirmation classes for Grades 6-8 are held on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM. Gatherings for youth in Grades 9-12 are also held on Wednesdays at 7:30 PM.

confirmation ministries
child ministries

Adult Ministry

Adult Ministry serves the role of fostering a variety of fellowship and faith-growth experiences for adults of all ages, with an emphasis on addressing spiritual needs, offering caring support to one another, as well as building and enhancing relationships with God and others.

Topical Bible Study is held on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM, September through May.  A Women’s Fellowship Study meets at 9:30 AM on the third Saturday of each month.

Outreach Ministry

House of Prayer’s Outreach Ministry is committed to extending the love and compassion of Jesus Christ beyond the walls of the church and into the community. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, we strive to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and families in our local area. Our efforts include food drives, community service projects, support for local shelters, and partnerships with other organizations to provide essential services. By engaging in these activities, we aim to embody the teachings of Christ, fostering a spirit of generosity, kindness, and support for those in need. Our Outreach Ministry not only seeks to address immediate needs but also to build lasting relationships that reflect the inclusive and unconditional love of God.

confirmation ministries
child ministries


Stewardship at House of Prayer promotes a year-round lifestyle that encourages members to live as responsible caretakers of all God-given gifts. It challenges individuals to faithfully use their time, talents, and treasures to support and grow our ministries, with the ultimate goal of making Christ known in the world. By embracing this stewardship mindset, we strive to build a community dedicated to serving others and advancing our mission through the thoughtful and generous use of our resources.

Worship and Arts

The Worship and Arts ministry at House of Prayer invites you to share your musical, artistic, and dramatic gifts to help create a worship experience that engages all the senses of our community. Whether you are a musician, artist, or actor, your talents can greatly enrich our worship services. If you would like to contribute your musical abilities or join our music ministry, please contact our Director of Music Ministry using the link below.

confirmation ministries
child ministries

New Members


What is the New Members Class?
Our New Members Class is an opportunity to learn about the basic beliefs of our faith. We will discuss what House of Prayer offers to families and individuals, providing a better understanding of how you can get involved and grow in community and faith.

Why become a member?
Committing to a Christian community is a significant step in one’s faith journey. While membership may seem formal, it represents a valuable commitment. Prioritizing your faith and joining a Christian community shows that you consider it important enough to dedicate yourself to it. Membership signifies a mutual commitment: you are committed to this community, and this community is committed to you. Additionally, the class provides an opportunity to get to know fellow members.

For details on the upcoming New Members Class, please email Michelle at or call (204) 1463.

Marriage Preparation

Marriage is a gift of God, intended for the joy and mutual strength of those who enter it, and for the well-being of the whole human family. God created us male and female and blessed humankind with the gifts of companionship, the capacity to love, and the care and nurture of children.

The marriage celebration is intended to be a service of worship with God at its center. God revealed to us through Jesus a self-giving love and faithfulness that is foundational to all marriage unions. It is appropriate for a couple to begin their marriage by gathering in a 

worshipful setting to affirm in a public way their commitment to share with each other this same kind of self-giving love and faithfulness.

Typically, our pastors meet with couples for three one-hour planning sessions offering counsel in the relational and spiritual dynamics of marriage.  Additionally, a Wedding Handbook will be provided to assist you with wedding ceremony details.

House of Prayer’s pastoral staff would be pleased to assist you with your marriage plans!  Please provide your contact information at the link below.

confirmation ministries
child ministries


Baptism is meant to be the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith that sustains us from our Baptism Day to the Resurrection!

Through Baptism…we believe God offers us a new life and

a new identity that is anchored in Christ.

Through Baptism…we are invited to live a baptismal life, defined by a daily dying to our sinful self through repentance, so we may become a life-giving reflection of Christ to the world!

Typically, Baptisms may be scheduled for infants, children, or adults on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at our 10:00 AM Worship.  Other arrangements are possible, so please consult with our Pastors for further assistance.